Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hangover Helpers For When You're "Never Drinking Again"

We all know the feeling, some a bit too well, others not nearly enough: your eyes are puffy, it feels like you swallowed a bag of sand, and there seems to be somebody squeezing on the inside of your brain. After guzzling the nearest body of water you can find, you succumb to the fact, yes, you're insanely hungover.

If you're like me, you ignore all of your doctor's requests not to turn to Wikipedia for medical advice, and you turn to the highly popular search engine for advice on how to stop the vicious revolution that is being thrown by your very own body. After Father's Day, when I let all my knowledge in health and wellness take a backseat in the car wreck that was Monday's hangover, I turned to Wikipedia to try and stop my bedroom walls from caving in on me. I typed in "Hangover" to the search engine and scrolled down to "Management" where I was surprised that NONE of the remedies I so firmly believe in were listed! What was there was as follows:

Rehydration: Drinking water before going to bed or during hangover may relieve dehydration-associated symptoms such as thirst, dizziness, dry mouth, and headache.[3][35]
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin have been proposed as a treatment for the headaches associated with a hangover. There however is no evidence to support a benefit and there are concerns that combined use of alcohol and aspirin may increase the risk of stomach bleeding and liver damage.[34]
Tolfenamic acid, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, in a 1983 study reduced headache, nausea, vomiting, irritation but had no effect on tiredness in 30 people.[34]
Opuntia ficus-indica: An extract of a species of cactus may reduce some effects of hangover. The risk of having a severe hangover was found to be reduced by 50% in one study, although no differences were observed in overall hangover severity. Nausea, lack of appetite and dry mouth were less often reported, whereas no changes were found for headache, soreness, weakness, tremulousness, diarrhea and dizziness. Opuntia ficus-indica was most effective in those participants who consumed drinks with high levels of congeners.[34]
Pyritinol: A 1973 study found that large doses (several hundred times the recommended daily intake) of Pyritinol, a synthetic Vitamin B6 analog, can help to reduce hangover symptoms.[35] Possible side effects of pyritinol include cholestatic hepatitis and acute pancreatitis.[36][37]
Yeast-based extracts: The difference in the change for the symptoms discomfort, restlessness, and impatience were statistically significant but no significant differences on blood chemistry parameters, blood alcohol or acetaldehyde concentrations have been found, and it did not significantly improve general well-being.[34]
For the help of delinquents everywhere, I decided to add the precious nectars I reach for and my go-to remedies for when I swear off drinking for this lifetime and the next. My additions are as follows:

Alternating Water and Alcohol: With every alcoholic beverage, have an 8 ounce glass of water. This reduces how high your peak blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) gets by about a third, thus lessening alcohol's affect on you.
Coconut Water Right Before Bed: This natural remedy rehydrates your body, boosts your electrolytes and even improves your immune function. 
Take a Hot Bath and Then a Freezing Shower: The heat from the bath increases your circulation which will speed blood more quickly through the liver and kidneys, while the temperature shock will increase your circulation and get your heart rate up.
Eat Asparagus: Compounds found in asparagus help break down the alcohol, enabling the toxins to exit from your system more quickly. Scientists in Korea recently discovered that a product found in the shoots and leaves of asparagus boosted levels of the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which both aid in the digestion of alcohol.
Drink Tomato Juice: Studies have shown that tomato juice can boost liver function, which speeds up alcohol digestion. Other research suggests that the antioxidants and vitamins present in tomatoes quickly restock those lost during a night of drinking, making you feel better faster.
With these helpful tactics, along with elastic-waist pants and Netflix, I hope next Sunday brings you peace and minimal regret.

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