Nowadays, I feel like any problem I confront somebody about:
-Why could I go for a fifth slice after I annihilated the first four?
-Why does my skin look like it has dandruff if I moisturized this morning?
-Why do I feel like I got hit by a bus after that bottle of wine last night?
Their response is "You're probably not drinking enough water." With all the contradictory "one hundred percent facts" out there, it's hard to know how much water is "enough" (whatever that even means). After some research, the conclusive evidence I found is that there is not ONE amount of water that everybody should drink every single day, for the simple reason that every single person is a unique individual whose life requirements vary. Lebron James should not be drinking the same amount of water everyday as Kylie Jenner.
Contrary to popular belief, the conventional "8 glasses of water each day" advice is not, well, advisable. A person's hydration requirements are dynamic and unique. They're influenced by age, weight, height, and they even differ for the person by day, depending on how active that person is (or isn't) and how much sleep they get (or don't). No matter the individual, however, staying on top of your hydration should be at the forefront of your to-do list.
So why, do you ask, am I babbling on about something so mundane as water?
1. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can negatively impact your physical and mental performance. Impacts were evident in endurance, recovery time, motivation, mood, attention, memory, energy levels and even immune system function.
2. Beauty sleep isn't the only option. Your skin contains approximately 30% water and the middle layer acts like a sponge, so optimizing your hydration helps keep it plump, elastic and resilient. Bonus: drinking water also helps with oral hygiene and can keep bad breath at bay.
3.Word on the street is dehydration is the new smoking. Recent studies have shown that dehydration could affect vascular function in a way that is “similar to smoking a cigarette.”
If you are of the rare and mutant species that doesn't like the taste of water, let me throw you a nonsensical bone here:
Infuse your water with fresh fruit, like kiwi and blueberries
Infuse your water with fresh herbs, like lavender, basil, mint, and thyme
Infuse your water with vegetables, like cucumbers
Drink water with squeezed lemon or lime
Drink coffee and tea without their nasty counterparts (i.e. cream, honey, sugar)
Drink carbonated water
Whatever you do, just drink until you pass the pee test: You're in the clear when it's clear.
Disclosure: I don't know the daily fitness regime of Miss Jenner, but I'm just guessing it's not up to par with Mr. James'.