Monday, July 18, 2016

What To Do When You Lose Your Phone and Run Out of Peanut Butter All in the Span of 3 Hours

As of late, I’ve been relying on kickboxing as my main source of exercise. Whether this is because I’m determined to get the arm definition of Jessica Biel or because of the significant increase in morons that I have come in contact with lately, one cannot say. But I’m definitely not mad about my new infatuation. Kickboxing is a sick full-body cardio workout that not only incinerates calories, but is fun as HELL. I mean, you’re literally beating the crap out of something to upbeat music. The stress release is similar to that of eating chocolate, but better, because instead of gaining a tummy, you’re gaining abs of steel.

Along with being an insane cardio workout, kickboxing is also a great toning exercise because it forces you to engage all the muscle groups in your body. The constant movement of the workout improves flexibility and reflexes, and since you have to keep your core engaged the entire time, you get an ab workout that will make laughing the next day pretty un-enjoyable.

Besides the plethora of physical benefits, the mental payoff is just as marvelous. Not only does it release an undisclosed amount of stress and tension and put you in a state of mental clarity that you didn’t know was physically possible, but knowing you can beat the crap out of somebody (and look DAMN good doing it) if the opportunity were to ever present itself is quite the confidence booster.

Last but not least, it's trendy AF. From Gisele to Adriana to Gigi, almost all of today's top supermodels are getting in tip-top shape with this sweaty hobby, and they've definitely got the results to prove it. Ahem:

I rest my case.

Whether you’re looking to increase strength, confidence, coordination, or your boss just put a kaput to Summer Fridays, kickboxing is a solid solution. I recommend doing it with an actual bag, but if you are currently a pauper and don’t have the funds to attend a class/buy your own punching bag, here are a couple of routines that you can do literally anywhere, no equipment necessary. Yas.

P.S. I’ll keep you updated on the Biel Biceps. Right now, I’d say I’m at Kate Hudson, but I started at Kiera Knightley, so go me.

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